Octubre 2014
El 31 de Octubre me presentaré en Londres, en el CCLAP (Cross Cultural Live Art Project), con una nueva version de la performance 'BEAUTY HURTS // La Belleza Duele' que cree en el 2010 dentro del marco de mi Maestria en Performance en Londres, UK. Evento en FBK: November 2013
I have been called to perform by Something Human Curatorial Collective at Deptford High Street to intervene a shop. I will perform a new piece called FITTING ROOM. Performed on the 07th December in South London, Deptdord. October 2013
Performance FULL METAL DRESS / IMMIGRANT COMMITTED Performed as one of 10 international artists at the Residency: Something Human at The Terminal 25th – 27th October 2013 A three-day durational live art project created by Something Human for PUSH 2013. With reference to Marc Augé’s notion of ‘non-spaces’, and the holding areas at border crossings around the world, the project examines spaces of constraints, limbo and in-betweenness, and their impact on the processes of art-making. |
Julio/Setiembre 2014
_Setiembre - Performance participativa 'Cartografía Anatómica', ABLI 2014, Lima. - MAPEO. Performance intimo. Dentro del marco del evento 'Pro-puestas' en elgalpon.espacio _Julio - Performance COME HOMBRE, FILMP14, Lima. March 2014 I moved back from London to Lima and I'm back-to-work at the Cultural Association elgalpon.espacio Since I've returned to LIMA I've been participating as performer in a couple of events: * 20th February 2014 @ Encuentro I // with my performance 'CHEW' * 6th March@ Encuentro II // with a new piece Im working on 'PLAN(I)SFERIO' * 22nd March @ APUFF LIMA 2014 // with my performance 'CHEW' ALSO... I'm preparing work to be presented in MAY at the MPA-B 2014 (Month of Performance Art Berlin), where I'll be presenting my performances 'EAT TO LIVE' and 'CHEW'. |